Thursday Tip

Thursday Tip

How to Play Bar Chords

A bar chord* (sometimes spelled barre) is a guitar chord that is played using one finger to cover multiple strings in one fret. To play them, ‘bar’ a fret, then play a chord shape forward of that fret. For example, the F bar chord is played by barring fret 1 and an E chord shape. And, the entire shape can move to another fret to create a new bar chord like F#, G, G#, A ~ you can go far with a bar!
Play on…

*To hear more about how to play bar chords listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 30!


2020-09-23T18:23:11-07:00September 24th, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , |

6 Exercises to Improve Finger Strength & Dexterity

Strong, agile fingers (and hands) can make it easier to play guitar and easier to try more challenging skills. Here’s 6 simple exercises* to help you gain strength and dexterity.
1. White Knuckler & Sunburst, make a fist, then open your hands
2. Whoa & Oh Well, lock your arms, flex your hands up & down
3. Neck, Shoulder & Wrist Rolls
4. Grip & Release a Tennis Ball
5. Fingertip Push Ups, regular push ups, but on your fingertips
6. Finger Runs, play one finger per fret on each string
Play on…

*To learn more about these 6 exercises listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 29!

2020-09-16T09:33:04-07:00September 17th, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , |

What’s a Guitar Playing ‘Second Wind’?

You grab your guitar, start to play, make bloopers, and then after playing for say 20, 30 or 40 minutes you’re in your playing groove ~ your guitar playing ‘second wind’*, and that’s when you usually make the most progress. So keep on playing to reach your second wind
Play on…

*You can learn about Gene Smith’s guitar playing second wind and more in my Guitar Friends Interview listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 28!

2020-09-10T13:23:14-07:00September 10th, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , |

How’s Your Practice Routine Going?

Setting a practice routine* (and sticking to it) can help you to establish a guitar playing habit, which will ultimately lead to better playing and more guitar fun. Here’s a review of the 6 steps to setting a practice routine that I suggested back in April ~ sometimes we just need a little reminder!
1.  Set a day, time and frequency
2. Set the amount of time
3. Decide when to start
4. Map out a practice plan
5. Try it out for 30 days
6. After 30 days, assess and adjust
Play on…

*To review more about setting a practice routine listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 27!

2020-09-02T10:47:54-07:00September 3rd, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , |

5 Ways to Play the F Chord

The F chord can be a bit of a challenge to play, but you’ll find it in many songs, it just can’t be avoided. So here are 5 different ways to play the F chord*. Some are easier than others, but try them all and you be the judge. Then before you know it, F will be your ‘friend’!
Play on…

P.S. I recommend the first one!

*To learn how to play each of these F chord shapes and some tricks to achieve F Chord success  listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 26!

2020-08-25T06:26:52-07:00August 27th, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , , |

7 ‘No-Slip’ Guitar Pick Tricks!

If your pick is going rogue on you, try these 7 no-slip guitar pick tricks*:
1. Glue a tiny piece of light gauge sandpaper on the pick grip area
2. Hole punch a hole in the pick grip area
3. Scratch the grip surface with a knife
4. Place medical tape on the pick grip area
5. Use double stick tape on the pick grip area
6. Use a non-slip guitar pick
7. Use a moisture triggered grip type of pick
These ideas might just help you to ~ get a grip!
Play on…

*To learn more about these no-slip pick tricks and bonus tricks, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 25!

How to Use a Capo

A capo* (kay-po) is a device that clamps onto the guitar neck covering the strings to change the key of a song. To use a capo you simply place it over the strings on a fret and clamp it down. When using a capo, the fret bar in front of the capo becomes the ‘nut’, so the first fret is the fret forward of the capo and so forth. You can play any chords, but the sound will be a different key which might fit your voice better. It’s the key to change!
Play on…

*To learn more about How to Use a Capo, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 24!

2020-08-12T08:39:39-07:00August 13th, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , , , , , |

Road Trip During COVID 19? Take Your Guitar!

Travel during 2020 has changed and many people are taking to the road ~ so take your guitar too! If you follow my recommended guitar travel tips* your instrument will be in good shape and ready to be played when you reach your destination. In the words of Willie Nelson, ‘On The Road Again‘!
Play on…

*To learn about my 8 guitar travel tips, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 23!

What’s Your Musical Style?

We all have a musical style* and knowing your style can help you zone in on the song choices and skill improvements that motivate and inspire you. Consider these categories:
Basic Guitar Descriptions
1. Rhythm Guitarist
2. Lead Guitarist
3. Finger Style Guitarist
Guitar Playing Characteristics
1. The Performer
2. A Reflective Player
3. Sing-Along Musician
4. Rock/Blues/Jazz (Vibe) Player
5. Classical
And of course, consider your song influences…like what’s on your playlist?
Play on…

*To learn more about the music style descriptions and characteristics, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 22!

The Next 5 Chords You Should Know

After you’ve learned to play A, E, D, C & G, the next 5 chords I recommend that you learn are Am, Em, A7, E7 & G7*. They’re fairly easy to play and you’ll likely find them in quite a few songs ~ like Jolene by Dolly Parton. Learning more chords is ‘A minor’ detail!
Play on…

*To learn more about these chords and to hear how they sound, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 21!

2020-07-23T13:50:56-07:00July 23rd, 2020|Categories: Thursday Tip|
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