Thursday Tip

Thursday Tip

4 Ways to Play the F Chord

If you’re trying to play the F chord and feel challenged, you’re normal!  The F chord is one of those chords that you just have to work at, so to help you here’s a video showing you 4 ways to play the F chord ~ BTW…I teach/recommend the 2nd way, but try them all and see which one is best for you.  F is your friend!
Play on…

2018-12-13T08:57:33-08:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |

Share A Chord Or 2!

Adjusting The Saddle

Teach someone to play guitar. Today is a great day to bring out your guitar at your gathering and help your family and friends experience the joys of playing guitar by showing them how to play some of the easier chords like A, E or D. Share the guitar love!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Play on…


2018-11-19T13:15:04-08:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |

What’s Your RH?

Know the relative humidity (RH) in your vicinity. With the temps cooling off and heaters going on the air can get dry, so it’s in the best interest of your guitar’s long term health to maintain a constant 40-50% RH as explained here.  Proper RH = Real Happy guitar!
Play on…

2018-11-01T08:24:11-07:00November 1st, 2018|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |
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