Thursday Tip

Thursday Tip

Adjusting The Saddle

Adjusting The Saddle

New in 2018, monthly themes. January ~ Guitar Maintenance.
Learn ways to adjust the bridge saddle. The saddle helps to raise the strings, creating the action (string height above the fretboard). It may need adjusting, which can be a fairly simple fix as described in this article and video. ‘Saddle up’ your guitar’s action!
Play on…

2018-01-04T08:25:54-08:00January 4th, 2018|Categories: Thursday Tip|

5 Tips To Achieve Your Guitar Playing New Year’s Resolution

5 tips to achieve your guitar playing New Year’s resolution.
1.Set clear, specific goals: rather than “get better at guitar”; try something more like ‘play your favorite song’,  ‘play in front of people’, ‘write your own songs’…
2. Write it down, 
3. Tell someone about it, 
4. Focus on one skill at a time, 
5. Be ready to start
Cheers to your goal and Happy New Year!
Play on…
P.S. Learn to Play Guitar in a Day! will air on PBS SoCal on 12/30 at 4 pm & 12/31 at 8 am 

2017-12-28T08:45:50-08:00December 28th, 2017|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |

Record Yourself Playing Guitar

Recording Yourself Playing Guitar

Record yourself playing guitar. Seeing and hearing yourself play will likely help you to improve more quickly because you’ll be able to make adjustments based on what is really happening in your songs, rather than what you think is happening ~ to find out more go to ~…/… . 
It’s improvement in record(ed) time!

Play on…

2018-01-22T10:05:20-08:00December 7th, 2017|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: , |

Play a Feast of Songs Today!

Ultimate Guitar

Play a feast of songs today! Here are a few songs for Thanksgiving; Over the River and Through The Woods, The Thanksgiving Song (hear Adam Sandler sing/play ) and Home (hear Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros sing/play
Wishing you an abundance of music and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Play on…

P.S. As a musical dessert, enjoy listening to this lovely song by Bing Crosby – I’ve Got Plenty To Be Thankful For

2018-01-22T10:12:47-08:00November 23rd, 2017|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |

Don’t Avoid Playing the ‘F’ Chord

Don’t avoid playing the ‘F’ chord. Most guitarists are not fond of this chord and though it can be a challenge, don’t let that stop you from playing songs with F, rather learn tricks to play it successfully as seen here . 
Soon the ‘F’ will stand for fantastically fun chord!
Play on…

2018-01-22T10:12:48-08:00November 9th, 2017|Categories: Thursday Tip|Tags: |
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