Thursday Tips
Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) Songs For Guitar!
Cinco de Mayo* (5th of May) is not just a day of Mexican food and margaritas, it’s a celebration of Hispanic culture. On that note (ha, ha) I thought you might like to play some fun, popular and fairly easy Spanish language songs. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Cielito Lindo chords audio
La Bamba chords tab intro video
Play on…
*To learn more about Cinco de Mayo and these two popular songs, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 61!
How to Change Chords While Strumming Calypso
Changing chords while maintaining a constant calypso strum* can be challenging. It’s best to first try this with 2 chords that are easy for you to play, like A & D. For example, play A with 2 full calypso patterns and then the same with D, repeat several times. Your goal is to keep the strum going while you change chords, so there are no gaps ~ and therein lies the challenge!
Play on…
*To learn how to successfully change chords while keeping the calypso strum going, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 60!
5 Songs To Rock On Tax Day!
Try these 5 tax themed songs*:
1. Taxman by The Beatles chords video
2. Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks chords video
3. Take The Money and Run by The Steve Miller Band
chords video
4. After Taxes by Johnny Cash chords video
5. Carnival World by Jimmy Buffett chords video
I hope your tax day rocks!
Play on…
*To hear about the history of these 5 tax songs, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 59!
Top 10 Podcast Episodes!
One year ago tomorrow, April 9th, I launched my Tips For Guitar Playing Success podcast. So, in honor of the occasion I thought it would be fun to share the top 10 most downloaded episodes*. Were any of these in your top 10?!
10. Understanding Rhythm & Tempo
9. 5 Basic Chords You Should Know
8. How to Know if You’re on Your Fingertips
7. Learn, Play & Master Chord Progressions
6. How to Sing While Playing Guitar
5. Setting & Keeping Guitar Playing Goals
4. Getting Rid of String Buzzing
3. How to Change Chords Quickly
2. How to Alleviate Fingertip Soreness
And the #1 most downloaded episode was, strum roll, How to Set a Practice Routine
Play on…
*To hear more about these Top 10 episodes, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 58!
Tension Relieving Exercises For Guitarists
As I mentioned last week, tension can affect your playing. So, here are a few simple tension relieving stretches and exercises* to help you be a better guitarist!
1. Deep Breathing, always a great ‘go-to’
2. Arm Stretches
3. Neck Rolls
4. Shoulder Rolls
5. Cardio: walk, run, jump, jumping jacks
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*To hear descriptions of these tension relieving ideas, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 57!
How Tension Can Affect Your Guitar Playing
Tension* is good for some things, like our strings. But when our body and mind holds onto tension it can restrict muscle and tendon movements, and it can affect remembering skills like chord placements or rhythm patterns. Noticing and relieving any underlying tension can make you a better guitarist.
Play on…
*To learn more about tension’s affect on your playing & how to notice and relieve tension, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 56!
The Next Scale You Should Know
After the C scale (October 2020 tip), the G scale* is the next scale you should learn how to play. See the information below and give it a try!
Play on…
*To learn more about the G Scale and hear how it sounds, listen to my newest podcast ~ episode 55!